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Week 4

Mobile learning ? İn the past, it was not Easy to get information so.only, you go to library, or you look at some books. However today the comdition has changed.each of the student can get the information Easyly thanks to the technological development.the place,the time is not important.this smalı devices help us alp time. Look at me .time is 06.41 pm. When i wake up, i can enter wordpress with my mobile phone.i hope in the future, they help me in my occupation life.


4 responses to “Week 4

  1. :)) without mobile learning , learning is not funny. i don’t want to learn anything without technology 🙂

  2. As you say our conditions has changed because technology has developed. We use it everywhere on the bus at home etc. We use it for what .that is the real question i think.

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